United Way of Western Nebraska Partner Agencies
United Way of Western Nebraska is partnering with 23 local non-profit agencies in the areas of health, education and financial stability. All partner agencies are selected through our funds distribution process in the Spring. To learn more about our funds distribution process please visit Our Work page or the United Way of Western Nebraska offices. For more information on how your non-profit can become a United Way of Western Nebraska Partner Agency please visit our United Way Grants page.
Alliance Aftershock Softball
Alliance Aftershock Softball offers girls the opportunity to develop and improve their softball skills and develop character traits of teamwork and sportsmanship. For more information please reach out to the United Way office.
Alliance Bulldog Backpack Program
Alliance Bulldog Backpack Program is designed to meet the needs of hungry children from financially struggling homes. The program provides food when other resources are not available, such as weekends and school breaks. For more information please reach out to the United Way office.
Alliance Recreation Center
Alliance Recreation Center (ARC) strives to engage families through healthy programs, events, and activities offering both fitness focused classes, recreational opportunities, and after school programing. For more information visit: Alliance Recreation Center
Buckboard Therapeutic Riding Academy
Buckboard Therapeutic Riding Academy offers therapeutic equine-assisted activities and pleasure horseback riding to disabled children. Their programing combines instructions in tradition horsemanship skills with concepts of physical therapy to improve the strength, balance, and self-esteem of physically and mentally disabled children. For more information please visit: Buckboard Therapeutic Riding Academy
CAPstone is a child advocacy center that is a child-focused and child friendly facility where children who have experienced abuse and neglect can have interviewing done by a on-sight forensic interviewer. CAPstone strives to reduce the trauma suffered by a child and their non-offending caregivers and works to increase prosecution of the abuser. For more information please visit: CAPstone
Carpenter Center
The Carpenter Center is an intergenerational community center that provides recreational activities and programs regardless of age or financial status. The Carpenter Center's programing include fitness activities, education, health, literacy, mentoring, low-cost community meals, and youth camps. For more information please visit: Carpenter Center
CASA of Scotts Bluff County
CASA stands for a Court Appointed Special Advocate who serves children involved in the Juvenile Court System. CASA volunteers are non-legal advocates for children who are victims of abuse and neglect and who have entered the county court system. CASA's are judge appointed advocates who look out for the child's best interest while they are involved in the county court system and until their cases are closed and have been placed in a safe and permanent home. For more information please visit: CASA of Scotts Bluff County
Cirrus House- Youth Services
Cirrus House Youth Services provides youth programing for mentally ill and substance abusing youth through the Youth Transitional Support Program. Cirrus House- Youth Services' programing seeks to empower and educate at risk youth and young adults towards the greatest level of success and independent living within their community of choice, through on-going supports and skill development. For more information please visit: Cirrus House
Community Table
Community Table's mission is to provide a meal to everyone in need regardless of circumstances. Community Table provides individuals and families with a daily meal Monday through Thursday and a sack lunch on Fridays at no cost and no qualifications for all within the community. For more information please visit: Community Table
Eastpoint Horspice
Eastpoint Horspice is a therapeutic riding program open to all ages. In addition to their therapeutic services, Eastpoint Horspice rescues and rehabilitates horses from abuse and neglect. Through education, care, rehabilitation and therapy both the humans and the horses lives are improved and enriched. For more information please visit: Eastpoint Horspice
Family Stabilization- CAPWN
The Family Stabilization Program through CAPWN focuses on helping families move one step ahead to achieve personal success by empowering clients towards positive change and supporting them in building productive relationships that lead to economic and personal independence. For more information please visit: CAPWN
Guadalupe Center
Guadalupe Center is a recreational facility for programs and activities for youth and adults. Guadalupe Center offers Mexican culture enrichment programing with a strong focus on Hispanic/Latino heritage through education, cultural entertainment, vendors and games. In addition they offer their facility for events such as health screenings and immunization clinics, business meetings and events, food distributions, and educational programing and services. For more information please visit: Guadalupe Center
Keep Alliance Beautiful
Keep Alliance Beautiful is a recycling program and center that encourages people to reduce, reuse and recycle. Through environmental stewardship, KAB coordinates and facilitates area recycling efforts and provides education. For more information please visit: Keep Alliance Beautiful – Keep America Beautiful Affiliate
Lifespan Respite
Lifespan Respite provides families caring for a family member with a disability with respite services throughout the Nebraska panhandle. In addition to their referral services for respite, Lifespan Respite provides recruiting and training to respite providers, outreach and education about the importance of respite services. For more information please visit: Lifespan Respite
Nebraska Diaper Bank
Nebraska Diaper Bank provides diapers through collaborative partnerships to change lives and empower families in need. The diaper bank model limits unnecessary duplication of services for agencies, reduces administrative expenses, and works collaboratively to solve a basic human need at the community level for infants and young children. Our centralized warehouse procures diapers through community drives and large wholesale purchased diapers (ordered by semi-load), repackages those diapers into packs for each child, and distributes requested quantities to partnering agencies who provide direct family support. For more information please visit: Nebraska Diaper Bank.
Northfield Haven
Northfield Haven is a 15-unit apartment housing campus providing housing for independent adults with language, learning, developmental and cognitive disabilities. Most of the residents are able to have jobs and are looking forward to living independently.
Plains West CASA
Plains West CASA is a non-profit volunteer advocacy program for children in the foster care system. Plains West CASA's primary goal is to improve the lives of children and provide them with quality advocacy services for all children who are victims of abuse and neglect. For more information please visit: Plains West CASA
Red Cross
The Red Cross helps prevent and prepare for home fires and other disasters through safety education and outreach in the most vulnerable, underserved populations; particularly those living at, or near the poverty level. For more information visit: Red Cross
Scotts Bluff County Volunteer Center
The Scotts Bluff County Volunteer Center coordinates and promotes activities that can be performed by community volunteers who are committed to caring for those in need through Meals-on-Wheels, Shopping for Seniors, Home Delivered Commodities, Snow Angels, Thanksgiving in the Valley and various other programs. These programs are designated to benefit the elderly, challenged and homebound individuals in our community and to provide them with the opportunity to remain in their homes longer and improve their quality of life. For more information please visit: Scotts Bluff County Volunteer Center
Scottsbluff/Gering Soup Kitchen
The Scottsbluff/Gering Soup Kitchen helps meet the needs of families and individuals struggling with food insecurity by providing a nutritious meal at no cost to the individuals. For more information please visit call the United Way of Western Nebraska office.
Summer Program of Handicapped Children- Camp Scott
Camp Scott is a 5 week summer program for handicapped children, providing social and recreational activities for developmentally disable children and adolescents ages 7-21. Camp Scott strives to provide a safe and fun-filled environment that allows campers to experience activities that develop self-esteem, physical, academic, and social life skills. For more information please visit: facebook.com/campscott14
The DOVES Program
The DOVES Program provides supports and advocacy services to victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking. For more information please visit: The DOVES Program
Western Community Health Resources
Western Community Health Resources is a prescription assistance program that helps individuals struggling to afford their prescription medication to maintain mental and physical health. For more information please visit: WCHR